
Nationals right-hander Chien-Ming Wang will not play a big league game this season because of a weak shoulder, but the veteran is preparing to play in the instructional league for Washington this fall, according to general manager Mike Rizzo.

"We are going to try to get him prepared to go to the instructional league, participate there, get him some innings, and get [him] stretched out," Rizzo said.

Wang, 31, is arbitration-eligible this offseason and Rizzo is hoping that the club can work out a deal with Wang in the offseason. Last spring, Wang signed a one-year deal worth $2 million.

"We don't know what the plan is," Rizzo said. "We are in communication with his agent. We are going to see if we [can] work something out. We like him. We want him. We want to keep him with the club."


王建民確定本季不會出場了(應該沒有人會意外)... 但會參加以練新人為主的instructional league, 主要是要比賽一下, 找球感, 並訓練一下肌耐力及續航力...

另外, 國民有興趣簽他... 怎麼簽? 直接打八折簽回來? 還是non-tender後, 再用類似50萬美金(去年因為他是Chien-Ming Wang, 所以我也猜到是200萬上下...但現在在FA市場上, 可能只剩底薪左右+激勵獎金的行情了), 接近MLB底薪的價碼簽回來?  We'll wait and see...

不過王建民今年不出賽也好, 已經沒甚麼意義了... 養好, 復健好最重要!!!

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