前洋基隨隊記者, 現任紅襪隊隨隊記者, 曾經幫王建民出書的Peter Abraham, 在他的Twitter率先說王建民已經決定加盟華盛頓國民隊!
細節還不清楚... 如果消息證明屬實, 會再寫一篇"心得報告"!
ESPN's Buster Olney:
Chien-Ming Wang will make his choice on his next team in the next 7-10 days. No decision has been made, sources say.
Olney說還沒做決定, 還要7-10天...
到底誰說的是真的? 應該明天就知道了...
updating update:
Though the Nationals are involved in serious discussions with
Chien-Ming Wang, they're not yet close to finalizing a deal with the
free-agent right-hander.
Pete Abraham of the Boston Globe
reported on Twitter this morning that the two sides were "close" to an
agreement, but a club source said that report was premature. The Nats
remain a strong contender to land Wang, but hurdles still remain before
a deal would be completed, and it may be days before anything gets done.
還沒有簽約..... 還有問題沒解決......
雖然還沒有, 不過看起來好像真的不是空穴來風!