王建民今天的數據, 當然是相當的漂亮! 大家也終於看到了今年球季當中, 王建民的第一場沒甚麼太多缺點的球...
我今天看到的"點"... "進步的點": 第9局K掉"貓王"... ㄜ... 是"Elvis" Andrus的那連3顆揮空的漂亮sinker!
重點不是三振! 重點也不在貓王揮棒落空! 重點在: 王建民能穩定的, 持續的, 連續投出夠水準的sinker!
今天當貓王揮空第一顆sinker時, 我心裡就在想: "這sinker夠水準! 能馬上再來一顆嗎(這就是"手感"跟"mechanics"的問題了... 能夠repeat your delivery嗎)?"
And he did... 然後我又再想: "能連3顆嗎?"
我上一場賽後說過: “菜"都在那兒, 就看洋基的"專業能力"了... 而"正常"的話, 王建民大概需要2-3場調整就OK了...
現在上一場比賽之後的第一場, 王建民今年球季的第一場好投就出現了(雖然只有2局)!
連rotoworld都說: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpages/player_main.aspx?sport=MLB&id=331
Chien-Ming Wang threw two hitless innings of relief in a 9-2 win over the Rangers on Wednesday.
Now this is encouraging. He threw 18 of 24(錯了) pitches for strikes, fanning two. The sinker had more of it's trademark bite and he mostly kept the ball down, inducing two groundball outs. His ERA fell to 20.45 with the two scoreless frames.
對於王建民, 大家其實可以慢慢的放心了...
但是"球", 現在就在洋基的手上了...
- May 28 Thu 2009 13:13
Step 1 from Wang