when a couple of Taiwanese reporters asked Joe (Torre) about Kuo's status after Kuo finally turned in a solid performance tonight -- he pitched a perfect fifth inning with the Dodgers trailing 5-0, the exact sort of situation Joe had been trying to find to get him into -- Joe said Kuo eventually will be the eighth-inning setup guy again.
``Kuo was good,'' Torre said. ``Hopefully, we can build on that. He ideally can pitch the eighth inning, and I wouldn't be afraid to have him close if Broxton is unavailable. But I think we're probably a few outings away from putting him back in that spot.''
當郭泓志今天終於投出一次好表現, 有幾個台灣記者問到Torre有關他現在的定位 - 他在道奇5-0落後下出場, 投了一個完美的第5局 (三上三下, 1 K, 滾地跟飛球出局各一), 就是Torre一直要找尋讓郭出場的時機 - Torre說小小郭遲早會重回8局"setup man"的角色.
Torre說: "郭表現得很好, 希望他可以從這表現開始, 再接再厲. 最理想的狀況就是讓他投第8局; 而且當Broxton不能投時, 我也不會害怕讓他來close. 但是我們可能需要他再多幾次這種表現, 才會讓他重新扛起8局男的角色."
希望Torre這段話, 不是對台灣記者說的"場面話"(Torre是說這種話的專家)... 因為我們相信小小郭的stuff是絕對沒有問題的!
但bottom line是: 小小郭要趕快把他的球感跟控球找回來(就像他去年一樣)... 當然也要保重他的手臂...
小小郭加油!!! WE BELIEVE!!!
- Apr 30 Thu 2009 15:58